“The Social Vision Series”
Narrated by Michael Wexler
Ep. 1 “The Paradox of Otherness”
Released: 05.14.20
Is my existence of any consequence? Find out what the Jewish Mystics have to say about it.
Ep. 2 “A World of Influence”
Released: 07.09.20
You’ve got the power of change with the click of a button. Use it wisely.
Ep. 3 “How To Be Grateful Right Now”
Released: 10.27.20
Being grateful is easy as pie.
Cast and Crew:
Director - Hershey Sufrin
Writer/Producer - Chaim-Aaron Green
Narrator - Michael Wexler
Executive Producer - R. Menachem Schmidt
Based on Philip Wexler’s ‘Social Vision: The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Transformative Paradigm’